06/09/2024 - 11:28 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Turnout by year Final results Chart 2004 2009 2014 2019 2024 45.47 42.97 42.61 50.66 50.74 Turnout in the European Union by year, in percentage points Year European Union 2004 45.47% 2009 42.97% 2014 42.61% 2019 50.66% 2024 50.74%
06/09/2024 - 11:28 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Turnout by country (%) Final results Choose an election year Choose an election year Current selected option: Country 1979 1981 1984 1987 1989 1994 1995 1996 1999 2004 2007 2009 2013 2014 2019 2024 Turnout in the European Union by country and year, in percentage points Country 1979 1981 1984 1987 1989 1994 1995 1996 1999 2004 2007 2009 2013 2014 2019 2024 Belgium BE 91.36 92.09 90.73 90.66 91.05 90.81 90.39 89.64 88.47 89.01 Denmark DK 47.82 52.38 46.17 52.92 50.46 47.89 59.54 56.32 66.08 58.25 Germany DE 65.73 56.76 62.28 60.02 45.19 43.00 43.27 48.10 61.38 64.74 Ireland IE 63.61 47.56 68.28 43.98 50.21 58.58 58.64 52.44 49.70 50.65 France FR 60.71 56.72 48.80 52.71 46.76 42.76 40.63 42.43 50.12 51.49 Italy IT 85.65 82.47 81.07 73.60 69.76 71.72 66.47 57.22 54.50 48.31 Luxembourg LU 88.91 88.79 87.39 88.55 87.27 91.35 90.76 85.55 84.24 82.29 Netherlands NL 58.12 50.88 47.48 35.69 30.02 39.26 36.75 37.32 41.93 46.18 United Kingdom UK 32.35 32.57 36.37 36.43 24.00 38.52 34.70 35.60 37.18 Greece EL 81.48 80.59 80.03 73.18 70.25 63.22 52.54 59.97 58.69 41.24 Spain ES 68.52 54.71 59.14 63.05 45.14 44.87 43.81 60.73 46.39 Portugal PT 72.42 51.10 35.54 39.93 38.60 36.77 33.67 30.75 36.47 Sweden SE 41.63 38.84 37.85 45.53 51.07 55.27 53.39 Austria AT 67.73 49.40 42.43 45.97 45.39 59.80 56.25 Finland FI 57.60 30.14 39.43 38.60 39.10 40.80 40.38 Czechia CZ 28.30 28.22 18.20 28.72 36.45 Estonia EE 26.83 43.90 36.52 37.60 37.64 Cyprus CY 72.50 59.40 43.97 44.99 58.86 Lithuania LT 48.38 20.98 47.35 53.48 28.97 Latvia LV 41.34 53.70 30.24 33.53 33.82 Hungary HU 38.50 36.31 28.97 43.36 59.46 Malta MT 82.39 78.79 74.80 72.70 72.98 Poland PL 20.87 24.53 23.83 45.68 40.65 Slovenia SI 28.35 28.37 24.55 28.89 41.80 Slovakia SK 16.97 19.64 13.05 22.74 34.38 Bulgaria BG 29.22 38.99 35.84 32.64 33.78 Romania RO 29.47 27.67 32.44 51.20 52.40 Croatia HR 20.84 25.24 29.85 21.35 Total EU EU 61.99 58.98 58.41 56.67 49.51 45.47 42.97 42.61 50.66 50.74