15/07/2024 - 17:47 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Results by national party - 2024-2029 Cyprus - Official results Percentage of votes Chart National Parties results Percentage of votes DISY/ΔΗΣΥ: Dimokratikós Sinagermós/Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός 24.78 #7E88A5 AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ: Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú/Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού 21.49 #7E88A5 Fidias/Φειδίας: Independent (Fidias Panayiotou/Φειδίας Παναγιώτου) 19.36 #7E88A5 ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ: Ethnikó Laikó Métopo/Εθνικό Λαϊκό Μέτωπο 11.19 #7E88A5 DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ: Dimokratikó Kómma/Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα 9.72 #7E88A5 EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ: EDEK Sosialistikó Kómma/ΕΔΕΚ Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα 5.07 #7E88A5 Other parties: Other parties 8.39 #7E88A5 National Parties DISY/ΔΗΣΥ - Dimokratikós Sinagermós/Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ - Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú/Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού Fidias/Φειδίας - Independent (Fidias Panayiotou/Φειδίας Παναγιώτου) ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ - Ethnikó Laikó Métopo/Εθνικό Λαϊκό Μέτωπο DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ - Dimokratikó Kómma/Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ - EDEK Sosialistikó Kómma/ΕΔΕΚ Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Other parties - Other parties Percentage of vote for national parties National parties Percentage of votes % of votes DISY/ΔΗΣΥ - Dimokratikós Sinagermós/Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός 24.78% AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ - Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú/Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού 21.49% Fidias/Φειδίας - Independent (Fidias Panayiotou/Φειδίας Παναγιώτου) 19.36% ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ - Ethnikó Laikó Métopo/Εθνικό Λαϊκό Μέτωπο 11.19% DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ - Dimokratikó Kómma/Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα 9.72% EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ - EDEK Sosialistikó Kómma/ΕΔΕΚ Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα 5.07% Other parties - Other parties 8.39% 100.00%
15/07/2024 - 17:47 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Seats by political group - 2024-2029 Cyprus - Constitutive session Bar chart Total seats The Left 1 #e42527 S&D 1 #FF0000 EPP 2 #0155A0 ECR 1 #1866a5 NI 1 #666666 Political groups in the European Parliament EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament PfE - Patriots for Europe ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group Renew Europe - Renew Europe Group Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance The Left - The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL ESN - Europe of Sovereign Nations NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Seats by political group Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats EPP 2 S&D 1 ECR 1 The Left 1 NI 1 Political groups in the European Parliament EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament PfE - Patriots for Europe ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group Renew Europe - Renew Europe Group Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance The Left - The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL ESN - Europe of Sovereign Nations NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.
15/07/2024 - 17:47 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Breakdown of national parties and political groups - 2024-2029 Cyprus - Constitutive session Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties National Parties Votes EPP S&D PfE ECR Renew Europe Greens/EFA The Left ESN NI Seats DISY/ΔΗΣΥ 24.78% 2 AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ 21.49% 1 Fidias/Φειδίας 19.36% 1 ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ 11.19% 1 DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ 9.72% 1 EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ 5.07% 0 Other parties 8.39% 0 100.00% 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 DISY/ΔΗΣΥ > EPP: LOUCAS FOURLAS, MICHALIS HADJIPANTELA ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ > ECR: GEADIS GEADI DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ > S&D: COSTAS MAVRIDES AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ > The Left: GIORGOS GEORGIOU Fidias/Φειδίας > NI: FIDIAS PANAYIOTOU National Parties DISY/ΔΗΣΥ - Dimokratikós Sinagermós/Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ - Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú/Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού Fidias/Φειδίας - Independent (Fidias Panayiotou/Φειδίας Παναγιώτου) ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ - Ethnikó Laikó Métopo/Εθνικό Λαϊκό Μέτωπο DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ - Dimokratikó Kómma/Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα EDEK/ΕΔΕΚ - EDEK Sosialistikó Kómma/ΕΔΕΚ Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα Other parties - Other parties Political groups in the European Parliament EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament PfE - Patriots for Europe ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group Renew Europe - Renew Europe Group Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance The Left - The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL ESN - Europe of Sovereign Nations NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2 National parties which are members of this Political Group DISY/ΔΗΣΥ Dimokratikós Sinagermós/Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός 2 S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 1 National parties which are members of this Political Group DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ Dimokratikó Kómma/Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα 1 ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group 1 National parties which are members of this Political Group ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ Ethnikó Laikó Métopo/Εθνικό Λαϊκό Μέτωπο 1 The Left - The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL 1 National parties which are members of this Political Group AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú/Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού 1 NI - Non-attached Members 1 National parties which are members of this Political Group Fidias/Φειδίας Independent (Fidias Panayiotou/Φειδίας Παναγιώτου) 1 DISY/ΔΗΣΥ > EPP: LOUCAS FOURLAS, MICHALIS HADJIPANTELA ELAM/ΕΛΑΜ > ECR: GEADIS GEADI DIKO/ΔΗΚΟ > S&D: COSTAS MAVRIDES AKEL/ΑΚΕΛ > The Left: GIORGOS GEORGIOU Fidias/Φειδίας > NI: FIDIAS PANAYIOTOU According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.
17/07/2024 - 09:36 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h MEPs' gender balance by year Cyprus - Constitutive session Chart EU average 2004 0.0 100.0 0.0 31.0 69.0 0.0 2009 33.0 67.0 0.0 35.0 65.0 0.0 2014 17.0 83.0 0.0 37.0 63.0 0.0 2019 0.0 100.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 0.0 2024 0.0 100.0 0.0 38.53 61.34 0.14 National and European gender balance of MEPs by year Cyprus European Union EU Year Women Men Other Women Men Other 2004 0% 100% - 31% 69% - 2009 33% 67% - 35% 65% - 2014 17% 83% - 37% 63% - 2019 0% 100% - 40% 60% - 2024 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 38.53% 61.34% 0.14%
10/06/2024 - 09:38 All times are GMT+2 Time difference per EU capital Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, Valletta, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb +0h Athens, Bucharest, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius +1h Dublin, Lisbon -1h Turnout by year Cyprus - Final results Chart Cyprus European Union 2004 72.50% 45.47% 2009 59.40% 42.97% 2014 43.97% 42.61% 2019 44.99% 50.66% 2024 58.86% 50.74% Cyprus European Union National and European turnout by year, in percentage points Year CY- Cyprus EU - European Union 2004 72.50% 45.47% 2009 59.40% 42.97% 2014 43.97% 42.61% 2019 44.99% 50.66% 2024 58.86% 50.74%