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Choose a country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Choose a legislative period 2019-2024 2019-2024 2014-2019 2009-2014 2004-2009 1999-2004 1994-1999 1989-1994 1984-1989 1979-1984 Choose a country Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Choose a legislative period 2019-2024 2019-2024 2014-2019 2009-2014 2004-2009 1999-2004 1994-1999 1989-1994 1984-1989 1979-1984 Choose a country ie Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Choose an election year 2019 2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 Choose a country ie Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Choose an election year 2019 2019 2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 Type of results: Estimates: Aggregation established by Verian of available national estimates or polling data resulting from the elections and published in a given Member State after voting has finished, based on well-known and reliable national polling institutes. Projection: The projection of the European Parliament is an estimate of its composition resulting from the elections, established by Verian as an aggregation of available election results, estimates or polling data published in the Member States after voting has finished. Without prejudice to the composition of the newly elected Parliament, the projection is based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament. Provisional: Composition of the European Parliament based on available provisional or final national results published after voting has finished in all Member States, based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament. Provisional results: First results as presented by the Member State's official election authority on the basis of a percentage of votes counted. Final results: Results as published by the Member State's official election authority after all of the votes have been counted. Official results: Definitive results as proclaimed by the Member State's official election authority and validated by the national legislative authority. Constitutive session: Results as officially announced by the newly-elected European Parliament after verification of its Members' eligibility criteria. Outgoing Parliament: European Parliament configured as in the last parliamentary session of the ongoing legislature. According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Content updates on selection Go to the page