European Parliament 1989-1994 Outgoing Parliament Chart Total of seats: CG Left Unity 13 2.51 2.51% #c21b1c S Socialist Group 198 38.22 38.22% #e52421 V The Green Group in the European Parliament 27 5.21 5.21% #50ac55 ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 14 2.7 2.70% #83a9bf LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 45 8.69 8.69% #eddc00 PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 162 31.27 31.27% #26377e RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 20 3.86 3.86% #b2ab9e DR Technical Group of the European Right 12 2.32 2.32% #5a726c NI Non-attached Members 27 5.21 5.21% #aaaaa9 Seats Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats % of seats S - Socialist Group 198 38.22% PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 162 31.27% LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 45 8.69% V - The Green Group in the European Parliament 27 5.21% RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance 20 3.86% ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 14 2.70% CG - Left Unity 13 2.51% DR - Technical Group of the European Right 12 2.32% NI - Non-attached Members 27 5.21% Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats % of seats S - Socialist Group 198 38.22% PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 162 31.27% LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 45 8.69% V - The Green Group in the European Parliament 27 5.21% RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance 20 3.86% ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 14 2.70% CG - Left Unity 13 2.51% DR - Technical Group of the European Right 12 2.32% NI - Non-attached Members 27 5.21% According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.
Chart Total of seats: CG Left Unity 13 2.51 2.51% #c21b1c S Socialist Group 198 38.22 38.22% #e52421 V The Green Group in the European Parliament 27 5.21 5.21% #50ac55 ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 14 2.7 2.70% #83a9bf LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 45 8.69 8.69% #eddc00 PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 162 31.27 31.27% #26377e RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 20 3.86 3.86% #b2ab9e DR Technical Group of the European Right 12 2.32 2.32% #5a726c NI Non-attached Members 27 5.21 5.21% #aaaaa9 Seats