Seats by political group - 1989-1994 France - Outgoing Parliament Bar chart Total seats CG 7 #c21b1c S 21 #e52421 V 8 #50ac55 ARC 1 #83a9bf LDR 9 #eddc00 PPE 12 #26377e RDE 11 #b2ab9e DR 9 #5a726c NI 3 #aaaaa9 Political groups in the European Parliament S - Socialist Group PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group V - The Green Group in the European Parliament RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament CG - Left Unity DR - Technical Group of the European Right NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Seats by political group Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats S 21 PPE 12 LDR 9 V 8 RDE 11 ARC 1 CG 7 DR 9 NI 3 Political groups in the European Parliament S - Socialist Group PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group V - The Green Group in the European Parliament RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament CG - Left Unity DR - Technical Group of the European Right NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.
Breakdown of national parties and political groups - 1989-1994 France - Outgoing Parliament Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties National Parties S PPE LDR V RDE ARC CG DR NI Seats PS 17 RPR 12 FN 9 Les Verts 8 PCF 7 CDS 6 PR 5 UDF 4 s.e. 3 app. PS 2 Ass. Dém. 1 MRG 1 Rad 1 UDF Rad 1 UDF adh. dir. 1 UDF-PPDF 1 UDI 1 Verts - UPC 1 21 12 9 8 11 1 7 9 3 81 National Parties PS - Parti Socialiste RPR - Rassemblement pour la République FN - Front National Les Verts - Europe Écologie - Les Verts PCF - Parti Communiste Français CDS - Centre des démocrates sociaux PR - Parti républicain UDF - Union pour la Démocratie Française s.e. - Sans étiquette app. PS - Apparenté Parti socialiste Ass. Dém. - Association des Démocrates MRG - Movement des Radicaux de Gauche Rad - Parti Radical UDF Rad - Union pour la Démocratie Française - Parti Radical UDF adh. dir. - Union pour la Démocratie Française Adhérents Directs UDF-PPDF - Parti populaire pour la démocratie française UDI - Union des Indépendants Verts - UPC - Les Verts - L'Union du peuple corse Political groups in the European Parliament S - Socialist Group PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group V - The Green Group in the European Parliament RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament CG - Left Unity DR - Technical Group of the European Right NI - Non-attached Members According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats S - Socialist Group 21 National parties which are members of this Political Group PS Parti Socialiste 16 app. PS Apparenté Parti socialiste 2 Ass. Dém. Association des Démocrates 1 MRG Movement des Radicaux de Gauche 1 s.e. Sans étiquette 1 PPE - Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 12 National parties which are members of this Political Group s.e. Sans étiquette 1 CDS Centre des démocrates sociaux 6 UDF Union pour la Démocratie Française 2 RPR Rassemblement pour la République 1 UDF-PPDF Parti populaire pour la démocratie française 1 UDI Union des Indépendants 1 RDE - Group of the European Democratic Alliance 11 National parties which are members of this Political Group RPR Rassemblement pour la République 11 LDR - Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 9 National parties which are members of this Political Group UDF Union pour la Démocratie Française 1 PR Parti républicain 5 Rad Parti Radical 1 UDF adh. dir. Union pour la Démocratie Française Adhérents Directs 1 UDF Rad Union pour la Démocratie Française - Parti Radical 1 DR - Technical Group of the European Right 9 National parties which are members of this Political Group FN Front National 9 V - The Green Group in the European Parliament 8 National parties which are members of this Political Group Les Verts Europe Écologie - Les Verts 8 CG - Left Unity 7 National parties which are members of this Political Group PCF Parti Communiste Français 7 ARC - Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 1 National parties which are members of this Political Group Verts - UPC Les Verts - L'Union du peuple corse 1 NI - Non-attached Members 3 National parties which are members of this Political Group PS Parti Socialiste 1 s.e. Sans étiquette 1 UDF Union pour la Démocratie Française 1 According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.