Breakdown of national parties and political groups - 1989-1994 Constitutive session Expand legend Close legend Breakdown by national parties and political groups of the European Parliament Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats BE 1.54% PS 0.97 SP 0.58 1.35% CVP 0.97 PSC 0.39 0.77% PRL 0.39 PVV 0.39 0.00% 0.58% ECOLO 0.39 Agalev 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% VI. Blok 0.19 0.00% 0.19% VU 0.19 0.00% 4.63% Belgium national parties PS: Parti Socialiste SP: Socialistische Partij CVP: Christelijke Volkspartij PSC: Parti Social Chrétien PRL: Parti Réformateur Libéral PVV: Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang ECOLO: Ecologistes Confédérés pour I’organisation de luttes originales Agalev: Anders Gaan Leven VI. Blok: Vlaams Blok VU: Volksunie Other parties F.: Other parties from Dutch-speaking electoral college Breakdown of national parties of Belgium into political groups of the European Parliament 1.54% S Socialist Group 0.97 PS : Parti Socialiste 0.58 SP : Socialistische Partij 1.35% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.97 CVP : Christelijke Volkspartij 0.39 PSC : Parti Social Chrétien 0.77% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.39 PRL : Parti Réformateur Libéral 0.39 PVV : Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.58% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.39 ECOLO : Ecologistes Confédérés pour I’organisation de luttes originales 0.19 Agalev : Anders Gaan Leven 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.19% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.19 VI. Blok : Vlaams Blok 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.19% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19 VU : Volksunie 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats DE 5.98% SPD 5.98 6.18% CDU 4.83 CSU 1.35 0.77% F.D.P 0.77 0.00% 1.54% Grüne 1.54 0.00% 0.00% 1.16% REP 1.16 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 15.64% Germany national parties SPD: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands CDU: Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands CSU: Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern F.D.P: Freie Demokratische Partei Grüne: Bündnis 90 - Die Grünen REP: Die Republikaner Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Germany into political groups of the European Parliament 5.98% S Socialist Group 5.98 SPD : Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands 6.18% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 4.83 CDU : Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands 1.35 CSU : Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern 0.77% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.77 F.D.P : Freie Demokratische Partei 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 1.54% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 1.54 Grüne : Bündnis 90 - Die Grünen 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 1.16% DR Technical Group of the European Right 1.16 REP : Die Republikaner 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.00% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats DK 0.77% S 0.77 0.39% CD 0.39 0.58% V 0.58 0.39% KF 0.39 0.00% 0.19% SF 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.77% FolkB. 0.77 0.00% 3.09% Denmark national parties S: Socialdemokratiet CD: Centrum-Demokraterne V: Venstre KF: Konservative Folkeparti SF: Socialistisk Folkeparti FolkB.: Folkebevægelsen mod EU Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Denmark into political groups of the European Parliament 0.77% S Socialist Group 0.77 S : Socialdemokratiet 0.39% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.39 CD : Centrum-Demokraterne 0.58% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.58 V : Venstre 0.39% ED European Democratic Group 0.39 KF : Konservative Folkeparti 0.00% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.19% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.19 SF : Socialistisk Folkeparti 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.77% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.77 FolkB. : Folkebevægelsen mod EU 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats EL 1.74% PA.SO.K. 1.74 1.93% N.D. 1.93 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% SYN 0.19 0.19% DI.ANA 0.19 0.00% 0.58% SYN 0.58 0.00% 0.00% 4.63% Greece national parties PA.SO.K.: Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima N.D.: Nea Dhimokratia SYN: Synaspismos tis aristeras kai tis proodou DI.ANA: Dimokratiki Anagennisi Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Greece into political groups of the European Parliament 1.74% S Socialist Group 1.74 PA.SO.K. : Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima 1.93% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1.93 N.D. : Nea Dhimokratia 0.00% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.00% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.19% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.19 SYN : Synaspismos tis aristeras kai tis proodou 0.19% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.19 DI.ANA : Dimokratiki Anagennisi 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.58% CG Left Unity 0.58 SYN : Synaspismos tis aristeras kai tis proodou 0.00% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats ES 5.21% PSOE 4.63 PSC 0.58 3.09% PP 2.90 CiU 0.19 1.16% CDS 0.97 CiU 0.19 0.00% 0.19% IP 0.19 0.77% IU 0.77 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.39% EA 0.19 PA 0.19 0.77% Agr. Ruiz-Mateos 0.39 HB 0.19 CN 0.19 11.58% Spain national parties PSOE: Partido Socialista Obrero Español PSC: Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya PP: Partido Popular CiU: Convergencia i Uniò CDS: Centro Democrático y Social IP: Izquierda de los Pueblos IU: Izquierda Unida EA: Eusko Alkartasuna PA: Partido Andalucista Agr. Ruiz-Mateos: Agrupación de Electores José María Ruiz Mateos HB: Herri Batasuna CN: Coalición Nacionalista Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Spain into political groups of the European Parliament 5.21% S Socialist Group 4.63 PSOE : Partido Socialista Obrero Español 0.58 PSC : Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya 3.09% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 2.90 PP : Partido Popular 0.19 CiU : Convergencia i Uniò 1.16% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.97 CDS : Centro Democrático y Social 0.19 CiU : Convergencia i Uniò 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.19% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.19 IP : Izquierda de los Pueblos 0.77% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.77 IU : Izquierda Unida 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.39% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19 EA : Eusko Alkartasuna 0.19 PA : Partido Andalucista 0.77% NI Non-attached Members 0.39 Agr. Ruiz-Mateos : Agrupación de Electores José María Ruiz Mateos 0.19 HB : Herri Batasuna 0.19 CN : Coalición Nacionalista Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats FR 4.25% PS 3.47 app. PS 0.39 MRG 0.19 s.e. 0.19 1.16% CDS 0.77 s.e. 0.19 UDF 0.19 2.51% PR 0.97 UDF 0.58 Rad 0.39 CNI 0.19 UDF-Clubs P. 0.19 UDF-PSD 0.19 0.00% 1.54% Les Verts 1.54 0.00% 2.51% RPR 2.32 CNI 0.19 1.93% FN 1.93 1.35% PCF 1.35 0.19% Verts - UPC 0.19 0.19% s.e. 0.19 15.64% France national parties PS: Parti Socialiste app. PS : Apparenté Parti socialiste MRG: Movement des Radicaux de Gauche s.e.: Sans étiquette CDS: Centre des Démocrates Sociaux UDF: Union pour la Démocratie Française PR: Parti républicain Rad: Parti Radical CNI: Centre national des indépendants et paysans UDF-Clubs P. : Fédération nationale des clubs Perspectives et Réalités UDF-PSD: Parti social-démocrate Les Verts: Europe Écologie - Les Verts RPR: Rassemblement pour la République FN: Front National PCF: Parti Communiste Français Verts - UPC: Les Verts - L'Union du peuple corse Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of France into political groups of the European Parliament 4.25% S Socialist Group 3.47 PS : Parti Socialiste 0.39 app. PS : Apparenté Parti socialiste 0.19 MRG : Movement des Radicaux de Gauche 0.19 s.e. : Sans étiquette 1.16% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.77 CDS : Centre des Démocrates Sociaux 0.19 s.e. : Sans étiquette 0.19 UDF : Union pour la Démocratie Française 2.51% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.97 PR : Parti républicain 0.58 UDF : Union pour la Démocratie Française 0.39 Rad : Parti Radical 0.19 CNI : Centre national des indépendants et paysans 0.19 UDF-Clubs P. : Fédération nationale des clubs Perspectives et Réalités 0.19 UDF-PSD : Parti social-démocrate 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 1.54% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 1.54 Les Verts : Europe Écologie - Les Verts 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 2.51% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 2.32 RPR : Rassemblement pour la République 0.19 CNI : Centre national des indépendants et paysans 1.93% DR Technical Group of the European Right 1.93 FN : Front National 1.35% CG Left Unity 1.35 PCF : Parti Communiste Français 0.19% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19 Verts - UPC : Les Verts - L'Union du peuple corse 0.19% NI Non-attached Members 0.19 s.e. : Sans étiquette Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats IE 0.19% Lab. 0.19 0.77% FG 0.77 0.39% Ind. 0.19 PD 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.16% FF 1.16 0.00% 0.19% WP 0.19 0.19% Ind. 0.19 0.00% 2.90% Ireland national parties Lab.: Labour Party FG: Fine Gael Ind.: Independent PD: Progressive Democrats FF: Fianna Fáil WP: Workers' Party Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Ireland into political groups of the European Parliament 0.19% S Socialist Group 0.19 Lab. : Labour Party 0.77% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.77 FG : Fine Gael 0.39% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.19 Ind. : Independent 0.19 PD : Progressive Democrats 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.00% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 1.16% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 1.16 FF : Fianna Fáil 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.19% CG Left Unity 0.19 WP : Workers' Party 0.19% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19 Ind. : Independent 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats IT 2.70% PSI 2.32 PSDI 0.39 5.21% DC 5.02 SVP 0.19 0.58% PRI 0.39 PRI-PLI-Fed 0.19 0.00% 1.35% Verdi 0.58 ARCOB 0.39 DP 0.19 L.A.DROGA 0.19 4.25% PCI 4.25 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.58% LL 0.39 UV-PSdA 0.19 0.97% MSI-DN 0.77 PRI-PLI-Fed 0.19 15.64% Italy national parties PSI: Partito Socialista Italiano PSDI: Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano DC: Democrazia Cristiana SVP: Südtiroler Volkspartei PRI: Partito Repubblicano PRI-PLI-Fed: Partito Repubblicano/ Partito Liberale Italiano/Federalismo Europa dei Popoli Verdi: Verdi Europa - Lista Verde ARCOB: Verdi Arcobaleno DP: Democrazia Proletaria L.A.DROGA: Antiproibizionisti sulla droga PCI: Partito Comunista Italiano LL: Lega Lombarda UV-PSdA: Union Valdôtaine - Partito Sardo d'Azione MSI-DN: Movimento Sociale Italiano – Destra Nazionale Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Italy into political groups of the European Parliament 2.70% S Socialist Group 2.32 PSI : Partito Socialista Italiano 0.39 PSDI : Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano 5.21% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 5.02 DC : Democrazia Cristiana 0.19 SVP : Südtiroler Volkspartei 0.58% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.39 PRI : Partito Repubblicano 0.19 PRI-PLI-Fed : Partito Repubblicano/ Partito Liberale Italiano/Federalismo Europa dei Popoli 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 1.35% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.58 Verdi : Verdi Europa - Lista Verde 0.39 ARCOB : Verdi Arcobaleno 0.19 DP : Democrazia Proletaria 0.19 L.A.DROGA : Antiproibizionisti sulla droga 4.25% GUE Group for the European United Left 4.25 PCI : Partito Comunista Italiano 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.58% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.39 LL : Lega Lombarda 0.19 UV-PSdA : Union Valdôtaine - Partito Sardo d'Azione 0.97% NI Non-attached Members 0.77 MSI-DN : Movimento Sociale Italiano – Destra Nazionale 0.19 PRI-PLI-Fed : Partito Repubblicano/ Partito Liberale Italiano/Federalismo Europa dei Popoli Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats LU 0.39% POSL 0.39 0.58% PCS 0.58 0.19% DP 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.16% Luxembourg national parties POSL: Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois/Letzeburger Socialistesch Arbeiterpartei PCS: Parti Chrétien Social/Chrëschtlech-Sozial Volleksparte DP: Parti Démocratique/Demokratesch Partei Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Luxembourg into political groups of the European Parliament 0.39% S Socialist Group 0.39 POSL : Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois/Letzeburger Socialistesch Arbeiterpartei 0.58% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.58 PCS : Parti Chrétien Social/Chrëschtlech-Sozial Volleksparte 0.19% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.19 DP : Parti Démocratique/Demokratesch Partei 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.00% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.00% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats NL 1.54% PvdA 1.54 1.93% CDA 1.93 0.77% VVD 0.58 D66 0.19 0.00% 0.39% Regenboog/CPN 0.19 Regenboog/PPR 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% SGP 0.19 4.83% Netherlands national parties PvdA: Partij van de Arbeid (Europese Sociaaldemocraten) CDA: Christen Democratisch Appèl (Europese Volkspartij) VVD: Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie D66: Demokraten 66 Regenboog/CPN: Communistische Partij van Nederland Regenboog/PPR: Politieke Partij Radikalen SGP: Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Netherlands into political groups of the European Parliament 1.54% S Socialist Group 1.54 PvdA : Partij van de Arbeid (Europese Sociaaldemocraten) 1.93% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 1.93 CDA : Christen Democratisch Appèl (Europese Volkspartij) 0.77% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 0.58 VVD : Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie 0.19 D66 : Demokraten 66 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.39% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.19 Regenboog/CPN : Communistische Partij van Nederland 0.19 Regenboog/PPR : Politieke Partij Radikalen 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.00% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19% NI Non-attached Members 0.19 SGP : Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats PT 1.54% PS 1.54 0.58% CDS 0.58 1.74% PSD 1.74 0.00% 0.19% Verdes 0.19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.58% CDU-PCP 0.58 0.00% 0.00% 4.63% Portugal national parties PS: Partido Socialista CDS: Centro Democrático e Social PSD: Partido Social Democrata Verdes: Partido Ecologista CDU-PCP: Coligação Democrática Unitária-Partido Comunista Português Other parties: Other parties Breakdown of national parties of Portugal into political groups of the European Parliament 1.54% S Socialist Group 1.54 PS : Partido Socialista 0.58% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.58 CDS : Centro Democrático e Social 1.74% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 1.74 PSD : Partido Social Democrata 0.00% ED European Democratic Group 0.19% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.19 Verdes : Partido Ecologista 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.58% CG Left Unity 0.58 CDU-PCP : Coligação Democrática Unitária-Partido Comunista Português 0.00% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.00% NI Non-attached Members Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats UK 8.88% Lab. 8.69 SDLP 0.19 0.19% UUP 0.19 0.00% 6.18% Cons 6.18 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.19% SNP 0.19 0.19% DUP 0.19 15.64% United Kingdom national parties Lab.: Labour Party SDLP: Social Democratic and Labour Party UUP: Ulster Unionist Party Cons: Conservative Party SNP: Scottish National Party DUP: Democratic Unionist Party Other parties NI: Other parties Northern Ireland Breakdown of national parties of United Kingdom into political groups of the European Parliament 8.88% S Socialist Group 8.69 Lab. : Labour Party 0.19 SDLP : Social Democratic and Labour Party 0.19% PPE Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group) 0.19 UUP : Ulster Unionist Party 0.00% LDR Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group 6.18% ED European Democratic Group 6.18 Cons : Conservative Party 0.00% V The Green Group in the European Parliament 0.00% GUE Group for the European United Left 0.00% RDE Group of the European Democratic Alliance 0.00% DR Technical Group of the European Right 0.00% CG Left Unity 0.19% ARC Rainbow Group in the European Parliament 0.19 SNP : Scottish National Party 0.19% NI Non-attached Members 0.19 DUP : Democratic Unionist Party Country S PPE LDR ED V GUE RDE DR CG ARC NI Total of seats